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for Navigating the New Paradigm

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1 Hour by Donation

This approach is founded on the basis that our relationship with our child is co-created from a level beyond form and its purpose is to awaken us to more of who we are. In order to create change, we use this relationship for the parent's healing and expansion. Children can be our greatest teachers when we learn to see from the eyes of the soul. And when we live from this place, the natural result is deeper connection and joy.

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1 Hour by Donation

This approach is founded on the basis that life is ultimately an awakening experience. We are here to learn and have fun while doing it. As we use our internal guidance to fall more in-tune with who we are, our life mirrors this alignment in the form of a more preferred and gentle reality.

Coaching: Services


Coaching: Testimonials

"Angela helped me to quickly gain an understanding around the relationship between what was coming up for me in my parenting journey and how to shift the thoughts and energetic imprint into pure transformational alchemy. I can only describe it as magic, as it wasn’t just a mindset change (which was part of it), but really a connection to the natural way of the soul."

From A Conscious Parenting Package

"I feel like I’ve had a 10 year breakthrough since we last spoke. But more overwhelmingly I feel like I’m integrating so much love at one time. Its really the most beautiful feeling because I didn’t know how much I needed this love from myself."

From A Spiritual Alignment Session



My sessions are always offered by donation.  What you give in return is an expression from the heart. This practice allows both practitioner and recipient to transform our beliefs about what true abundance is,
and live in flow with the gift of life.

Coaching: Text


If this speaks to you or if you have questions, reach out to me below:

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  • with Angela Rose Young

Coaching: Bookings
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